Thursday, October 05, 2006

Just another day

Today was a long one. I trudged my way through the inevitable pain that is the day-after-Steel-Reserve. While I was doing that I spent a lot of time studying for a take-home test. I've taken half of it already and now I'm going to get some sleep. Hopefully I won't forget everything I've studied by tomorrow morning.
I wasn't able to get any work done on ChaCha today, because java apps make my computer go schizo and results in the black screen of death. However, I was able to send out some invites, so that made me happy.
Jamie arrived on campus today. Of course he drove up as close to the building as possible and was blaring techno reminiscent of the rave party last year. He's doing well and just got back from Indonesia, actually. He's a regular globe trotter now. I can't say I envy him, though, becaues cross-Pacific flights are ungodly long and tedious. I don't care how many movies they show, those flights never get any more pleasant. I kind of wish I'd spoken to him before hand and told him to jump over to Ambon so I could figure out what state my birthplace is in. I wonder if the holy eels are still there?
Anna (my sister) arrives tomorrow. This will mark the first time she's ever visited my school. I'm excited. I'm still not sure what we'll do while she's here, but I plan on just hanging out and having fun like I normally do. The last thing I'd want to do is give her a false impression. That's not my style.
Alright, enough blathering. Time to get a few hours of sleep.


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